Home Run Investments

Investing is all about balance. You set your financial goals and research a strategy that helps you meet them.
A conservative portfolio is usually made up of stocks (banks and utilities more often than not, here in Canada) and bonds, and while historically this type of portfolio might deliver a 5-7% return, there’s never a guarantee that past results will be reflected in future earnings.
A moderate risk portfolio is usually not much more than a conservative portfolio with the addition of a few more volatile stocks. While historically moderate risk portfolios have returned 8-13%, that hasn’t been the case in Canada over the past decade.
Then there’s the world of high risk, high potential return. This isn’t just the purview of Wall Street options traders - this type of portfolio also applies to business owners who have gone all-in on their company, as well as Venture Capitalists who are looking for the home-run investment that brings in a 1000% or higher return.
At Liftoff Capital we believe there are potential home run opportunities outside of Silicon Valley and New York. We want to help investors find them. And when they do, we won’t be taking any commissions. We are here to help make handshakes and home runs happen.