NB Business Leads the Way in Home Care Solutions

NB Business Leads the Way in Home Care Solutions

“The industry has failed to innovate. Right now, there is no way to be sure our seniors are receiving good quality care.  How do I know?  I’m a home care operator with over 200+ clients in home and I’m very concerned!”

~ Lisa Williams, CEO Unicare Home Health Care, CEO Unum Health

Lisa Williams started UNUM Health with a vision. She wanted to develop a software solution that would improve productivity and communication amongst home-care team members, and would ultimately deliver safer, better care to clients, while reducing liability to practitioners. 

Using UNUM technology to track and communicate a client’s wellness parameters can give the care-team a virtual real-time window into the home. The technology is designed to prevent unhappy surprises when a client’s situation changes between home-care visits. Armed with more information, care-team workers will be better able to address a client’s ongoing care needs, without starting from scratch with each visit. 

Because UNUM can improve member to member communication, it can reduce lag time issues associated with the extended health care team and the client. 

UNUM is already collaborating with The Heart and Stroke Foundation, Diabetes Canada and The MS Society. 

Beta testing is scheduled to begin shortly. 

Given the value of a software solution that directly enhances front-line healthcare solutions, UNUM Health may only be scratching the surface of a much larger market. 

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