Startups in Telecom & Mobile

Results by Selected Criteria: 6
Chat and Check
Jake Swan Chat and Check Chat and Check is a new solution for senior care designed to help keep seniors independent...
Saint John, NB, Canada
Catalyst Coaching Solutions
Jamee Morley Catalyst Coaching Solutions I developed a call center coaching software after being in the industry for 15 years. Thi...
Cumberland, BC, Canada
Rekobot Gateway Ventures
Elana Watson Rekobot Gateway Ventures We are a multi-national company based in Kumasi Ghana. There is a race for getting the con...
Manuel Atienza MARSTECH UNLIMITED SOLUTIONS & TECHNOLOGY, INC. a 2 decade Philippine company that has been providing full turnkey fiber infrastructure co...
Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
ISGtoffe Solutions Inc.
Sanna Gervais ISGtoffe Solutions Inc. ISGtoffe Solutions Inc. is a software company committed to looking at problems in a whole...
Vancouver, BC, Canada